Living the Pratyabhijñāhṛdayam: A One-Year Immersion in the Bliss of This
Living the Pratyabhijñāhṛdayam: A One-Year Immersion in the Bliss of This is a brand new offering for deepening our relationship with ourselves and with our sangha. The group is open only to those who are already familiar with the text, either through participation in one of the online study groups or via an in-person seminar.
Our focus will be almost entirely on practice and community. We will “interact” with the verses, discuss how they relate to our lives and explore a variety of practices that will deepen our understanding. All that is required to participate is an interest in Consciousness in its play as ourselves and a willingness to commit to “living” the text for one year which will include self-study, conversation and consistent engagement with practices and readings between sessions.
In addition to Kathleen, this year’s group will be facilitated by a fantastic team of devoted practitioners and experienced teachers: Jay Coldwell, Gabrielle Duebendorfer, Terri Leonard, Beate Maas and Geoffroy Tremblay who will enrich our meetings with their varied perspectives, many talents and diverse interests. You will find their bios below.
Dates: January – December 2023. One full year. This event has passed
Format: Twelve 2-hour Zoom study sessions offered the 4th Thursday of each month from 1 to 3PM (eastern time). Plus conversation, meditations and readings to practice and ponder between sessions.
(Note: the November session will meet on the last Thursday in recognition of American Thanksgiving.)
Cost: $600. All are welcome. If you would like to participate but are unable to pay the full amount, please contact Kathleen for information regarding scholarships.
Registration deadline: December 30. The first readings and practices will be sent out at the beginning of the new year in preparation for the opening session on January 26.

kathleen knipp
For over a decade I’ve been absorbed in the Pratyabhijñāhṛdayam, an endeavour which has profoundly shaped my life and informed my understanding. In addition to studying the text, co-writing a translation and teaching it in partnership with Joan Ruvinsky, I finished Joan’s book, The Recognition of Our Own Heart: Pratyabhijnahrdayam, after her death, published it in 2019 and shared it during weekend seminars and weekly study groups. The pandemic provided a unique opportunity for a large number of people from around the world to commit to 8-month periods of in-depth study, to drink deeply from the well of the recognition philosophy and to be nourished by the teachings and our connection as sangha. I’m delighted that Consciousness has now re-created itself into a new study group format in which I will be joined in guiding the sessions by a wonderful team of dedicated practitioners.
jay coldwell

Gabrielle Duebendorfer
Though inherently very analytical, I have come to trust and enjoy the spontaneous unfolding of my creative force in a more embodied way, both as a long time meditator and naturopathic physician. Having moved from Vipassina meditation to body-sensing yoga and iRest Yoga Nidra has given me the tools to creatively weave together meditation, movement, visual arts, and poetry in my work with patients and myself to foster deep healing. As a certified iRest teacher of 9 years I have taught many classes and look forward to sharing my love for the Recognition Sutra in an embodied way. PBH exploration has become a labor of love over the past 5 years, as I have come to experience it as a livable creation myth. I have studied PBH with both Kathleen and Richard Miller during several courses and during retreats, and have taught several classes on it myself. I look forward to dancing together in community.
beate maass
My first groundbreaking contact with non-dual wisdom teachings was in 1997 and following that, I studied and practiced meditation in the Karma Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. I later completed my training as a yoga and meditation teacher with Leopoldo Chariarse in the non-dual tradition of Kashmiri Śaivism after Jean Klein. I am also an iRest certified teacher and supervisor. With iRest and the foundational texts of Kashmiri Śaivism, I experience a wholehearted YES to life and I am deeply committed to living this every day. As climate change has also become a part of daily life, I have started to meet it as a spiritual practice as well. How do I find my way in this and what can I bring into the world? I would like to deepen this exploration further in community in 2023 and I greatly look forward to a year of The Bliss of This as another profound step on the path of living from the heart.

Terri Leonard
Geoffroy tremblay
I have been studying yoga and meditation for 25 years and received a yoga teacher certificate in 2002. I was initiated into yoga by Joan Ruvinsky and continue today to explore the nondual path. I weave inspiration from different traditions and lineages, from martial arts to shamanism, and focus on the many aspects of dream yoga.
I feel really blessed to be part of this iteration of sharing the Pratyabhijñāhṛdayam.