jean klein recordings
In 1989, I had the great good fortune of meeting Jean Klein. Eschewing the title “teacher,” he became my “spiritual friend. He never claimed a label, whether Advaita or Kashmiri Shaiva. In fact, he stated unequivocally, “There is no teacher and there are no teachings.” In fact, I can say that he didn’t teach me anything. His presence simply erased all my preconceptions. – Joan Ruvinsky
joan ruvinsky recordings
kathleen knipp recordings

yoga nidra: the dance
We navigate between addressing the realities of being human – the experience of our bodies, thoughts and emotions – and recognizing the transience of this

yoga nidra: the inner landscape
A quiet practice during which we become acquainted with the parade of roles, identities and beliefs we hold to be true about ourselves. By gently

yoga nidra: the basics
A light-hearted and simple practice during which we settle in, establish a safe foundation for inquiry, create space for all the “matters” that are present,

guided meditation: listening
The practice slowly guides us from an alternation between listening to the particularities of the soundscape and attending to discrete body sensations, to pure, objectless

yoga nidra: the thread
A short practice (22 min) during which we fully immerse ourselves in whatever is arising from moment to moment, feeling the thread of unchangingness woven

yoga nidra: the gravitational pull of love
Occasionally I receive requests to post a particular practice on the website for re-listening. This meditation, which followed a conversation on the Heartfelt Desire, one

yoga nidra: and this too
This practice followed a conversation during which a number of participants shared their feelings of grief at the loss of loved ones. (Some poetic license

yoga nidra: being aware
Being aware is not a doing. When there is nothing to reject and nothing to cling to, nothing to fix and nothing to change, then

yoga nidra: resting the mind
A soft and soothing practice for those times when the mind is active or when the nervous system is agitated.

yoga nidra: the fantasy of becoming
Some day, with enough practice, I will be…If my body were different, then…If I could just get my emotions under control, then…If only I _,

yoga nidra: being oneself
Who shows up during our time of practice? The inner critic? The perfectionist? The dreamer? The martyr? The victim? The good student? The spiritual one?

yoga nidra: awake while asleep
Playing with the boundary between wakefulness and sleep, we enter into nidra, or yogic sleep during which we may discover that even while we are

yoga nidra: form is emptiness, emptiness is form
A practice that begins with a tune sung by Kermit the Frog, moves through an exploration of the elements in which we simultaneously experience apparently

yoga nidra: who am i?
A quiet practice during which we explore the perennial question, “Who am I?”

yoga nidra: fully human, fully divine
Without ignoring or denying the story of our lives, the grip of identity can relax allowing us to experience that which is beyond story. Through

yoga nidra: relief
I’m running late to pick up the birthday cake, my eyes alternate between road and clock, I’m trying not to speed as I rush toward

yoga nidra: be still
A practice that explores the nature of mind and the subtle currents which animate the form of body, all against the backdrop of utter stillness.

yoga nidra: on receiving
A soft, quiet, slow-paced practice with a focus on receiving rather than doing, on yielding rather than efforting. A note to teachers – this practice

yoga nidra: it happens
Is “doing” a practice necessary? Or does it happen on its own? What about breathing? Or thinking? We explore the notion of doing and being

yoga nidra: what do emotions feel like?
A thorough investigation of the sensations of body and their various qualities is followed by an exploration of the sensations associated with emotion and that

yoga nidra: a practice for difficult times
Grief, anxiety, sadness and fear were among the emotions shared during our pre-class conversation, inspiring a practice session which emphasized yielding to the support of

yoga nidra: the simplicity of being
What might it be like to just be? Letting go of any notion of accomplishing anything during your time of practice? Giving up completely? Simply

yoga nidra: core beliefs
The practice offers an opportunity to feel into our subtle, long-held assumptions about ourselves, our world and others which drive our behaviours and colour our

yoga nidra: the story of my life
Captivating and rich, the story of my life… all of the ways that consciousness expresses itself through me and as me. Wow, the gift of

yoga nidra: exploring sleep
During the practice of yoga nidra, the body moves through different phases of sleep. We can be alert to these changing states. It can be

yoga nidra: song of myself
The song of this unique expression of Consciousness playing itself. How is it expressed? What is it that wants to be heard… and felt? Listening…

yoga nidra: gift of breath
A quiet, soothing 30-minute breath-focused practice. Approaching our time of practice as a receiving, rather than as a doing, we begin by listening to the

yoga nidra: feeling our experiences
A 40-minute practice that includes a sense inquiry into two opposing experiences, one challenging and one pleasant and then an inspection of this “I” or

yoga nidra: deep rest
Some of the students in the class were sick, others were tired, but they all agreed that a deeply restful practice was in order. Afterward,

yoga nidra: this magical mystery
Gently and thoroughly exploring a difficult emotion, sensing the “me” who is aware of and distinct from the emotion, then sensing that which seems to

yoga nidra: unchangingness
A practice of alternating between the specificity of sensation and the globality of sensing. In particular the sensation of “me” is explored and is experienced

yoga nidra: the clear sky of awareness
The practice alternates between sensing the “contents” of our human experience, sensing the container in which all the contents are bubbling up, and pure sensing.

yoga nidra: self-compassion
This quiet and soothing 35-minute practice focuses on self-nurturance and interweaves the Ho’oponopono phrases for reconciliation and forgiveness. A steady stream of traffic punctuated by

yoga nidra: flowing with the current of life
During this 38-minute practice of yoga nidra, we explore sensations of body and energy. Then we settle back, allowing ourselves to simply be carried by

yoga nidra: on being here
We begin our practice here. Here, where we have always been. Here, where we will remain. Here, where we sense body, breath, emotions and thoughts.

yoga nidra: living the mystery
Using the five elements as a frame, we explore sensorially the contradictions of life. How is it that we can feel simultaneously dense and diaphanous?

yoga nidra: watching the show
Watching the show of our lives as if it is being performed on a grand stage, we alternate between identifying with the various characters playing

video: guided breath sensing practice
A short practice on sensing the flow of breath between the heart centre and the dvādaśānta. Wherever you may be, whatever you may be doing,

yoga nidra: spaciousness
A slow-moving, quiet practice centered around rediscovering our inherent spaciousness. Note: now that the classes are offered in “hybrid format” – meaning that there are

yoga nidra: who am I without my story?
Following a thorough exploration of body and breath sensations, as well as those associated with emotional states, we inquire into the various identities we assume

yoga nidra: oceanic stillness
This 30-minute practice offers a pathway for reconnecting with the oceanic stillness underlying all surface turbulence. The sound quality is not perfect. Such is life.

yoga nidra: a body inquiry
A 40-minute practice centered on exploring subtler and subtler layers of sensation in the body. It includes an investigation of a contrasting pair, one that

yoga nidra: kindness
We approach the practice with an attitude of kindness while we explore the feeling of this “I” who grasps hold of sensations, emotions and thoughts,

yoga nidra: meeting the moment
The rich interchange of our virtual sangha that preceded this practice included the sharing of anxiety, “awfulizing”, wanting to cry, “whiny complaints”, disappointment, exhaustion, inherited

yoga nidra: last practice?
Entering into our time of meditation contemplating the question, “What if this were the last opportunity to practice?,” we sense all that is present in

yoga nidra: an emotion at the door
During the practice we settle into our inner resource/inner sanctuary and, utilizing the feeling of safely and security it engenders, we “open the door” to

yoga nidra: the interconnectedness of all things
Meeting everything as a unique manifestation of the same source expressing itself in an infinite variety of forms, including a chant which spontaneously emerged at

yoga nidra: this
A 30-minute practice of sinking into the space between. Expect long periods of silence. after the exhalationandbefore the inhalationthis during the inhalationthis during the exhalationthis

yoga nidra: essence and form
A somatic investigation of essence and form as revealed in the container of body which changes over time and yet remains the same; in the

yoga nidra: a sense inquiry
In this practice we explore each of the five senses, moving from our perception of the sense object – such as a sound – to

yoga nidra: emotions
Shame, confusion, discouragement, sadness, rage, grief, etc. Most of us experience some reluctance when it comes to feeling these “more difficult” emotions. This practice was

yoga nidra: one continuous wow
The first 14 minutes of the recording stand by themselves as a mini-practice, or you can listen further for a leisurely exploration of the inherent

yoga nidra: sensing acceptance and resistance
yoga nidra: sensing acceptance and resistance “I am a lover of what is, not because I’m a spiritual person, but because it hurts when I

yoga nidra: on being and doing
This practice followed a discussion about how we can go about doing all of our daily activities without identifying as the doer and how we

yoga nidra: coming home to ourselves
What is most important to me? Where do I want to put my attention, my energy? How do I wish to live? These questions are

guided meditation: 2-in-1
The recording begins with an 8-minute mini-practice, guiding us to move quickly and efficiently into meditation— dropping right into awareness. The mini-practice is followed by

guided meditation: keeping it simple
This 30-minute practice is better described as a guided meditation than as a yoga nidra, since it is a bit of a hybrid. I post

yoga nidra: what do I believe?
A practice investigating “core beliefs” or those beliefs that deep down we hold to be true about ourselves, other people or the world; beliefs that

yoga nidra: on gratitude
This practice followed a discussion during which words like, “unsafe,” “doubt,” “tense,” and “suffering” were shared during the check-in. It focuses on relaxing deeply and

yoga nidra: unique expressions of the one
A practice of alternating between feeling unique regions of body sensation and the body in its entirety, then step-by-step transposing the manner of inquiry into

yoga nidra: keeping our practice fresh
During this practice we explore our physical form first through its bony structure and then its skin, both inside and outside, sensing how the movement

video: guided meditation on the breath
A short practice of accompanying the breath while sensing in particular the gaps, or turning points, at the end of each exhalation and at the

yoga nidra: breath of life
A quiet practice homing in on the gift of breath that sustains form, its eventual ceasing, that which preceded it and that which will remain.

yoga nidra: everything is changing, la la la…
Everything we can see, hear, smell, taste or perceive changes. When we resist this reality, we suffer. The recording begins with a short talk on

guided meditation: from perception to perceiving
Zoom yoga nidra classes will begin next week! Mondays at 7:30PM, Wednesdays at 10AM. Eastern time zone. Register in advance at: A brief guided

yoga nidra: finding our way home
Experiencing the entirety of life as a succession of “nows.”

yoga nidra: on identification
During this practice we explore identification by alternating between naming, labelling, describing and claiming our experiences and meeting them as pure sensation without descriptors or

yoga nidra: wheels of energy
This practice centres around the use of the breath to explore the subtle psycho-spiritual energy centres from the base of the spine to the crown.

yoga nidra: being aware
Slowly, step by step, the practice explores the difference between being “aware of” the subtle sensations of body, breath, emotions and thoughts that is, being

yoga nidra: moving between perception and perceiving
This practice centres around an inquiry into the 6 senses (including the mind), alternating between that which is perceived, our response to it, and global

yoga nidra: a brief inquiry into being human
During this 20-minute practice, we get to know our human experience from the densest and most apparent aspect, our physical body, through progressively subtler layers;

yoga nidra: the ‘everythingness’ of now
The totality, by definition, cannot be whole unless it includes everything. Yet as humans, we have preferences for some of those “things” over others. Our

yoga nidra: exploring solitude vs. worldly engagement
This yoga nidra practice follows a discussion about the class members’ mixed feelings in regard to the loosening of social distancing measures as the doors

yoga nidra: “yes” and “no”
Next session of classes begins June 15. Mondays at 7:30PM and Wednesdays at 10AM EDT. Details and registration here: Exploring what it feels like when

yoga nidra: living in not knowing
Exploring the relative and absolute, we integrate the grounded reality of body and mind with the mystery that is life.

yoga nidra: on sleeping and breathing
The recording begins with a short talk on the topic of “yoga nidra” or experiencing the body sleeping while awareness is present. The practice begins

yoga nidra: everything in its natural rhythm
Zoom classes will begin next week! Mondays at 7:30PM, Wednesdays at 10AM. Eastern time zone. Register in advance at: $105/7 weeks, $20 drop-in, or

yoga nidra: exploring past and future
What does it feel like when we anticipate the future or reminisce about something from the past? In this practice we track body and breath

yoga nidra: beliefs
How do we respond when we believe something to be true? Or not true? What sensations arise? How is the breath impacted? What emotions are

yoga nidra: why practice?
Why do we practice anyway? Are we trying to get better at our meditation? A portion of this yoga nidra “practice” is devoted to exploring

yoga nidra: vulnerability
When we say that we feel “vulnerable,” the word describes a set of sensations. In this practice we explore the very human experience of vulnerability

yoga nidra: five elements
Our embodied existence is explored using the framework of the five elements. The guidance leads us to recognize ourselves as that which we fundamentally are,

yoga nidra: experiencing tension?
Recorded live at Pathless Yoga March 23, 2020. In this practice we explore, firsthand, what tension actually feels like, using the technique of progressive muscle

yoga nidra: exploring wariness and contagion
Recorded live at Pathless Yoga, March 17, 2020. My students (spaced more than 2 meters apart!) asked to use their practice time to explore their

yoga nidra: an ocean of availability
Recorded live at Pathless Yoga, March 18, 2020. I continue to post these imperfect, unedited, live recordings in hope that they will be of benefit

yoga nidra: wanting things to be different
What does it feel when we want things to be different than they are? A Yoga Nidra session recorded live at Pathless Yoga in Montreal,

yoga nidra: quarantine
Recorded live at Pathless Yoga in Montreal, March 10, 2020. By request, I led an iRest Yoga Nidra practice this week exploring the possibility of

hand-washing with gayatri mantra
For years, I’ve been chanting the Gayatri Mantra while washing my hands. During this time of heightened awareness around hand-washing, I highly recommend the practice.