yoga nidra: the story of my life

Captivating and rich, the story of my life… all of the ways that consciousness expresses itself through me and as me. Wow, the gift of this incarnation! In our practice of iRest Yoga Nidra we do not ignore or deny this existence; but rather we meet what is present in our bodies and in our […]

yoga nidra: exploring sleep

During the practice of yoga nidra, the body moves through different phases of sleep. We can be alert to these changing states. It can be interesting to feel how the body is sleeping and yet there is awareness of the body sleeping, or even awareness of dreaming. There may even be a recognition, a realization, […]

yoga nidra: song of myself

The song of this unique expression of Consciousness playing itself. How is it expressed? What is it that wants to be heard… and felt? Listening… Sensing… Simultaneously Silence, absolute, may be made evident by the music. Perhaps there are even moments when the music is eclipsed by the Silence. “I and this mystery here we […]

yoga nidra: gift of breath

A quiet, soothing 30-minute breath-focused practice. Approaching our time of practice as a receiving, rather than as a doing, we begin by listening to the sound of the rhythmic drumbeat of our heart, feeling its pulsation… sensing how this pulsating feeling is not uniquely our own, but rather one expression of the throb of aliveness […]

yoga nidra: feeling our experiences

A 40-minute practice that includes a sense inquiry into two opposing experiences, one challenging and one pleasant and then an inspection of this “I” or me that experiences and evaluates.

yoga nidra: deep rest

Some of the students in the class were sick, others were tired, but they all agreed that a deeply restful practice was in order. Afterward, there was a request for the recording to be posted on the website for repeated listening. Here it is!

yoga nidra: this magical mystery

Gently and thoroughly exploring a difficult emotion, sensing the “me” who is aware of and distinct from the emotion, then sensing that which seems to be aware of me, and ultimately resting as that which just is.

yoga nidra: unchangingness

A practice of alternating between the specificity of sensation and the globality of sensing. In particular the sensation of “me” is explored and is experienced as simply another changing phenomena against the backdrop of steady unchangingness.

yoga nidra: the clear sky of awareness

yoga nidra clear sky

The practice alternates between sensing the “contents” of our human experience, sensing the container in which all the contents are bubbling up, and pure sensing. Or we might say, sensing the “clouds,” sensing the clear sky behind them and simply sensing, beyond clouds and sky.

yoga nidra: self-compassion

This quiet and soothing 35-minute practice focuses on self-nurturance and interweaves the Ho’oponopono phrases for reconciliation and forgiveness. A steady stream of traffic punctuated by the occasional honk of an impatient driver and the soft snoring of a non-virtual participant provide background music.