yoga nidra: exploring wariness and contagion

Recorded live at Pathless Yoga, March 17, 2020. My students (spaced more than 2 meters apart!) asked to use their practice time to explore their thoughts concerning contagion – possibly being contagious or wondering if those around them might be contagious – and the discomfort of feeling wary around even people they love. May the […]

yoga nidra: an ocean of availability

Recorded live at Pathless Yoga, March 18, 2020. I continue to post these imperfect, unedited, live recordings in hope that they will be of benefit to all of us as we navigate unfamiliar and changing waters. There is a short introduction from the conversation I had with my small group of (well spaced) students. If […]

kirtan with joan – NOT CANCELLED

Today when I got in the car, out of the blue, a voice memo of a kirtan from October 2015, recorded five months before Joan’s death, started playing. I don’t know how or why, but there it was coming through my car speakers. Although she hadn’t been able to teach formally for almost a year, […]

yoga nidra: wanting things to be different

What does it feel when we want things to be different than they are? A Yoga Nidra session recorded live at Pathless Yoga in Montreal, May, 2019. I have strongly resisted the move toward on-line teaching as I do not believe it is an ideal medium for sharing the nondual teachings. However, given the circumstances, […]

yoga nidra: quarantine

Recorded live at Pathless Yoga in Montreal, March 10, 2020. By request, I led an iRest Yoga Nidra practice this week exploring the possibility of quarantine. Feel free to listen and share with others. It might be a helpful inquiry for anyone considering or experiencing a period of self-isolation. Namasté, Kathleen

hand-washing with gayatri mantra

For years, I’ve been chanting the Gayatri Mantra while washing my hands. During this time of heightened awareness around hand-washing, I highly recommend the practice. OMBhur Bhuvah SvahTat Savitur VarenyamBhargo Devasya DhimahiDhiyo Yo Nah PrachodayatOMWe meditate on the self-effulgent light of the Source.May our hearts and minds be illuminated. From Travels Through Sacred India by […]

Jean Klein – Inquiry Into Our Real Nature

Recorded live on a retreat July 17, 1989. The sound quality is not very good, although the teachings are invaluable. Please consider donating toward the cost of digitalizing this cassette and those that will follow. Thank you.