yoga nidra: on sleeping and breathing

The recording begins with a short talk on the topic of “yoga nidra” or experiencing the body sleeping while awareness is present. The practice begins at approximately 7:30 and focusses on an exploration of the sensation of breath as it is felt in various regions of the body from the tip of the nose to […]

yoga nidra: everything in its natural rhythm

Zoom classes will begin next week! Mondays at 7:30PM, Wednesdays at 10AM. Eastern time zone. Register in advance at: $105/7 weeks, $20 drop-in, or offer what you can. Each class will begin with a 15-minute discussion and will be followed by 30 minutes of optional community time for sharing about our experience. It will […]

yoga nidra: exploring past and future

What does it feel like when we anticipate the future or reminisce about something from the past? In this practice we track body and breath sensations to find out. Also included is a practice of “prana vidya,” or a gentle guiding of breath and energy into various parts of the body. Please note that the […]

yoga nidra: beliefs

How do we respond when we believe something to be true? Or not true? What sensations arise? How is the breath impacted? What emotions are present? During this practice we explore our reactivity to a number of suggested beliefs. As well, a portion of the practice is devoted to developing and cultivating one’s inner resource.

yoga nidra: why practice?

Why do we practice anyway? Are we trying to get better at our meditation? A portion of this yoga nidra “practice” is devoted to exploring the very notion of practice and its value in our lives.

yoga nidra: vulnerability

When we say that we feel “vulnerable,” the word describes a set of sensations. In this practice we explore the very human experience of vulnerability and what it actually feels like as body sensation.  Read poet David Whyte’s essay on vulnerability from his book “Consolations: The Solace, Nourishment and Underlying Meaning of Everyday Words” found on the […]

yoga nidra: five elements

Our embodied existence is explored using the framework of the five elements. The guidance leads us to recognize ourselves as that which we fundamentally are, open space, while simultaneously we experience the world through the vehicle of the body.

yoga nidra: experiencing tension?

Recorded live at Pathless Yoga March 23, 2020. In this practice we explore, firsthand, what tension actually feels like, using the technique of progressive muscle relaxation. PMR is used to manage anxiety and stress, to relieve insomnia, and to facilitate deep relaxation. If you know someone who is struggling under the enormity of the COVID […]