yoga nidra: a body inquiry

A 40-minute practice centered on exploring subtler and subtler layers of sensation in the body. It includes an investigation of a contrasting pair, one that feels pleasant or comfortable and one that does not; meeting them both with neutrality and curiosity. What if it is all OK?
yoga nidra: kindness

We approach the practice with an attitude of kindness while we explore the feeling of this “I” who grasps hold of sensations, emotions and thoughts, claiming them to be its own. We notice, as well, that this “I” feeling is often not present and, in its absence, the ground of being simply Is.
yoga nidra: meeting the moment

The rich interchange of our virtual sangha that preceded this practice included the sharing of anxiety, “awfulizing”, wanting to cry, “whiny complaints”, disappointment, exhaustion, inherited wounds and the need for self-care. The 34-minute practice focuses on simply meeting what is – what is here right now – without grasping hold and without pushing away. May […]
yoga nidra: last practice?

Entering into our time of meditation contemplating the question, “What if this were the last opportunity to practice?,” we sense all that is present in each unfolding moment.
yoga nidra: an emotion at the door

During the practice we settle into our inner resource/inner sanctuary and, utilizing the feeling of safely and security it engenders, we “open the door” to a challenging emotion, getting to know it, sensing how it impacts the body and breath, noting beliefs associated with it, and listening to whatever it might have to say.
yoga nidra: the interconnectedness of all things

Meeting everything as a unique manifestation of the same source expressing itself in an infinite variety of forms, including a chant which spontaneously emerged at the end of the practice.
yoga nidra: this

A 30-minute practice of sinking into the space between. Expect long periods of silence. after the exhalationandbefore the inhalationthis during the inhalationthis during the exhalationthis
yoga nidra: essence and form

A somatic investigation of essence and form as revealed in the container of body which changes over time and yet remains the same; in the unique, individuated breath as one expression of the pulsation of the universe recreating itself; and in the changing landscape of emotions and thoughts, all penetrated with absolute Silence. As soon […]
yoga nidra: a sense inquiry

In this practice we explore each of the five senses, moving from our perception of the sense object – such as a sound – to our interpretation of it, or our reaction to it, then to pure, objectless sensing. Note that the recording begins with almost a minute of silence as I prepared myself to […]
yoga nidra: emotions

Shame, confusion, discouragement, sadness, rage, grief, etc. Most of us experience some reluctance when it comes to feeling these “more difficult” emotions. This practice was created to support an inquiry process into the somatic experience of emotions by first establishing a strong inner resource, then utilizing body and breath sensing practices to create a safe […]