yoga nidra: the inner landscape

A quiet practice during which we become acquainted with the parade of roles, identities and beliefs we hold to be true about ourselves. By gently feeling into the question, “Who am I?,” the transient nature of the story of me may reveal itself, releasing us to rest in pure Am-ness.
yoga nidra: the basics

A light-hearted and simple practice during which we settle in, establish a safe foundation for inquiry, create space for all the “matters” that are present, and then rest back and enjoy the ride.
guided meditation: listening

The practice slowly guides us from an alternation between listening to the particularities of the soundscape and attending to discrete body sensations, to pure, objectless listening.
yoga nidra: the thread

A short practice (22 min) during which we fully immerse ourselves in whatever is arising from moment to moment, feeling the thread of unchangingness woven through it all.
yoga nidra: the gravitational pull of love

Occasionally I receive requests to post a particular practice on the website for re-listening. This meditation, which followed a conversation on the Heartfelt Desire, one of the 10 steps of iRest Yoga Nidra, explores what it feels like to yield to the heart’s deepest longing, including any feelings of fear or resistance that may arise […]
yoga nidra: and this too

This practice followed a conversation during which a number of participants shared their feelings of grief at the loss of loved ones. (Some poetic license was used in the recounting of the story from the Bhagavad Gita.)
yoga nidra: being aware

Being aware is not a doing. When there is nothing to reject and nothing to cling to, nothing to fix and nothing to change, then there is nothing to do but simply rest as multidimensional awareness in which all sensations arise and subside.
yoga nidra: resting the mind

A soft and soothing practice for those times when the mind is active or when the nervous system is agitated.
yoga nidra: resting as that which we are

Cycling through each of the elements of the basic framework of our practice, quickly at first and then a second time with greater depth, we experience each moment as it arises and leads us to a vastness that is ineffable, yet palpable and familiar.
yoga nidra: the fantasy of becoming

Some day, with enough practice, I will be…If my body were different, then…If I could just get my emotions under control, then…If only I _, then… How do we break free of the belief trap that something should be different than it is?Can we sense even the possibility that nothing has to change? The “sleep” […]