video: guided breath sensing practice

A short practice on sensing the flow of breath between the heart centre and the dvādaśānta. Wherever you may be, whatever you may be doing, cast your attention into the dvādaśānta. As your mental agitation dissolves moment by moment, you will be transformed in a matter of days. II 51 Kshmeraja, commentary on verse 18 […]

yoga nidra: spaciousness

A slow-moving, quiet practice centered around rediscovering our inherent spaciousness. Note: now that the classes are offered in “hybrid format” – meaning that there are people in the yoga studio as well as those online – there are a few more background sounds in some of the recordings, such as coughs and snores, just as […]

yoga nidra: who am I without my story?

Following a thorough exploration of body and breath sensations, as well as those associated with emotional states, we inquire into the various identities we assume such as our age, gender, occupation, personality characteristics, etc. and that which remains when they fall away.

yoga nidra: oceanic stillness

This 30-minute practice offers a pathway for reconnecting with the oceanic stillness underlying all surface turbulence. The sound quality is not perfect. Such is life.

yoga nidra: a body inquiry

A 40-minute practice centered on exploring subtler and subtler layers of sensation in the body. It includes an investigation of a contrasting pair, one that feels pleasant or comfortable and one that does not; meeting them both with neutrality and curiosity. What if it is all OK?

yoga nidra: kindness

We approach the practice with an attitude of kindness while we explore the feeling of this “I” who grasps hold of sensations, emotions and thoughts, claiming them to be its own. We notice, as well, that this “I” feeling is often not present and, in its absence, the ground of being simply Is.

yoga nidra: meeting the moment

The rich interchange of our virtual sangha that preceded this practice included the sharing of anxiety, “awfulizing”, wanting to cry, “whiny complaints”, disappointment, exhaustion, inherited wounds and the need for self-care. The 34-minute practice focuses on simply meeting what is – what is here right now – without grasping hold and without pushing away. May […]

yoga nidra: last practice?

Entering into our time of meditation contemplating the question, “What if this were the last opportunity to practice?,” we sense all that is present in each unfolding moment.

yoga nidra: an emotion at the door

During the practice we settle into our inner resource/inner sanctuary and, utilizing the feeling of safely and security it engenders, we “open the door” to a challenging emotion, getting to know it, sensing how it impacts the body and breath, noting beliefs associated with it, and listening to whatever it might have to say.