I am creation

I am creation, the endless unfolding. 
The spark burst to flame
Each shimmering breath, a new beginning,
I am the expansion, the inspiration…
I am a conduit of creativity. 
I am. 

I am maintenance, resting in fullness,
I am tending the seeds of my inner garden.
I am blooming my heart’s deepest longing.
I am spreading my wings.
I am.

I am dissolution,
I am exhaling releasing what no longer serves me 
I am examining my biases
I am shedding old destructive habits, patterns and beliefs.
I am Letting go, letting go, letting go.
I am.

I am concealment, the craggy, lost foothold on the path in a shadowy veil of forgetfulness, 
Because this too is consciousness.
I am omnipotence masquerading as fragility.
I am inner wisdom subsuming as doubt
I am. 

I am remembering.
I am finding my way, 
I am taking off the mask in this game of hide and seek.
I am sparkling like sunshine behind the obscurity of clouds
I am creation delighting in herself.
I am a meteor shower of grace,
I am grace.
I am.

I am this.
I am the life force, spontaneously manifesting from itself of itself.
I am the wave of the ocean.
I am the ocean. 
I am. 

I am the infinite and simultaneously the finite.
I am cloaked in mystery,
I am deeply known. 
I am this.
I am. 

Deep breath in.
Deep breath out.

I am turning inward, eyes open or eyes closed.
I am the seer, I am the seen. I am the seeing.
I am learning to discern.
I am stronger than I know. 

I am the sun and the moon,

I am that which is beyond all limits, 
curious about time and space.
I am peace. I am war. 
And every nuance and shade in between.

I am learning to remain.
To be open to receive.
I am the listener.
I am that which is heard.
I am listening.
I am. 

I am committing myself to my innate wisdom. 
I am magnificent.
I am divine.
I am the nectar of bliss.
I am healing.
I am healed. 
I am blooming from the mud like a lotus flower
I am opening from my center.
I am  being and always whole.
I am resting in the spaces between the in breath and the out breath
I am the spaces. 
I am spaciousness.
I am. 

Breathe in peace. 
Breathe out love.

Kathy Stover is a botanical artist and an iRest Yoga Nidra teacher.

11 Responses

  1. Please, may I know who is the author of this amazing meditation? This inquiry is from Joan’s sister Patsy Hello Kathleen with love

    1. Hi Patsy!
      Sorry for the delayed response. I have been camping in the wild and did not have internet. My name is Kathy Stover and I wrote the poem. It was inspired by my year long study of the PBH with Kathleen. Thank you for taking the time to read it!

    2. Hi Patsy!
      Sorry for the delayed response. I have been camping in the wild and did not have internet. My name is Kathy Stover and I wrote the poem. It was inspired by my year long study of the PBH with Kathleen. Thank you for taking the time to read it!

  2. Thank you for this beautiful and clear expression of the ineffable. I will come back to this poem and practice often. 🙏❤️🙏

  3. How beautifully exquisite Kathy. I love how you made these powerful teachings personal with your words – like a paint brush in a somatic painting in form of the yoga nidra. Thanks you for the remembrance. I am glad to know you as I am.

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