guided meditation: 2-in-1

The recording begins with an 8-minute mini-practice, guiding us to move quickly and efficiently into meditation— dropping right into awareness. The mini-practice is followed by a pause during which the recording may be turned off. Then it backtracks and offers a “technique,” a series of inquiries that can be used if the mind is busy […]

guided meditation: keeping it simple

This 30-minute practice is better described as a guided meditation than as a yoga nidra, since it is a bit of a hybrid. I post it humbly as it contains a number of misspeaks. Some days are like that. At times I find it difficult to hold on to the beginning of a sentence until […]

yoga nidra: what do I believe?

A practice investigating “core beliefs” or those beliefs that deep down we hold to be true about ourselves, other people or the world; beliefs that have the effect of limiting us in some way.

yoga nidra: on gratitude

This practice followed a discussion during which words like, “unsafe,” “doubt,” “tense,” and “suffering” were shared during the check-in. It focuses on relaxing deeply and connecting with a feeling of gratitude. Honestly, it is a recording that I, myself, have listened to repeatedly. May it be of service.

yoga nidra: unique expressions of the one

A practice of alternating between feeling unique regions of body sensation and the body in its entirety, then step-by-step transposing the manner of inquiry into an exploration of the components of breath, the flavours of emotion and the various types of thought.

yoga nidra: keeping our practice fresh

During this practice we explore our physical form first through its bony structure and then its skin, both inside and outside, sensing how the movement of breath touches the entire body and beyond, as boundaries of inside and outside gradually dissolve away

video: guided meditation on the breath

A short practice of accompanying the breath while sensing in particular the gaps, or turning points, at the end of each exhalation and at the end of each inhalation, and also that which permeates them.

yoga nidra: breath of life

A quiet practice homing in on the gift of breath that sustains form, its eventual ceasing, that which preceded it and that which will remain. There is a little bit of “clicking” at the beginning of the recording. It stops after about a minute or two.