move, breathe, rest: an irest community class series

Explore the nondual teachings through movement, breathing, and meditation in a 9-week online series offered by senior iRest faculty
yoga nidra: on receiving

A soft, quiet, slow-paced practice with a focus on receiving rather than doing, on yielding rather than efforting. A note to teachers – this practice incorporates elements of autogenic training. The photo of James Bay is by Catherine Rutherford and it is used with her permission.
yoga nidra: resting in the womb of creation

A short, slow, simple and quiet practice to support us all during the busyness of the holidays.
yoga nidra: it happens

Is “doing” a practice necessary? Or does it happen on its own? What about breathing? Or thinking? We explore the notion of doing and being a doer. Or not. What does it feel like to slip out of the picture? What does it feel like to be an observer? To be observing?
yoga nidra: what do emotions feel like?

A thorough investigation of the sensations of body and their various qualities is followed by an exploration of the sensations associated with emotion and that which is aware of them.
yoga nidra: a practice for difficult times

Grief, anxiety, sadness and fear were among the emotions shared during our pre-class conversation, inspiring a practice session which emphasized yielding to the support of the inner resource, taking refuge in the consistency of breath, drawing upon the strength of the earth, connecting with a sense of gratitude and ultimately being grounded in the Stillness […]
yoga nidra: the simplicity of being

What might it be like to just be? Letting go of any notion of accomplishing anything during your time of practice? Giving up completely? Simply receiving each moment as it unfolds. Nothing to reject. Nothing to improve.
yoga nidra: core beliefs

The practice offers an opportunity to feel into our subtle, long-held assumptions about ourselves, our world and others which drive our behaviours and colour our perceptions. Sensing into core beliefs may stir up a feeling of fear, so we begin our exploration by establishing a strong inner resource.
yoga nidra: the story of my life

Captivating and rich, the story of my life… all of the ways that consciousness expresses itself through me and as me. Wow, the gift of this incarnation! In our practice of iRest Yoga Nidra we do not ignore or deny this existence; but rather we meet what is present in our bodies and in our […]
yoga nidra: exploring sleep

During the practice of yoga nidra, the body moves through different phases of sleep. We can be alert to these changing states. It can be interesting to feel how the body is sleeping and yet there is awareness of the body sleeping, or even awareness of dreaming. There may even be a recognition, a realization, […]