Body Sensing Hiking

Here in these mountains (see photo above), it is so quiet that everything becomes a metaphor for everything else. Although marked trails and destinations may be known, as it were, just wandering about off-trail happens by itself, there being no need to get anywhere in particular. Sometimes, when just bushwhacking in a remote canyon, one […]
Gone Beyond and Still Here

“Joan” was reabsorbed into timeless spaciousness at “12:30pm” on “March 21” in “Montreal.” Ever our beloved teacher, she was speaking out about the mystery of reabsorption right up until the dissolution of speech. Some of her very last words were: “Living in the timeless it is always the end and it is always the beginning.” […]
entrevue avec joan ruvinsky

This interview was conducted in Montreal by Jean-Claude Leblond for Yoga Mondo, a French Quebec yoga magazine. YM : Where did you study yoga and how did you come to teach ? JR : Ultimately, there is only one place to study yoga, and that is in oneself. The notion of “studying” yoga risks leading […]
entrevue avec joan ruvinsky

Extrait d’un article dans Yoga Mondo, mars 2008, par Jean-Claude Leblond Le vaste champ de la pure conscience, une rencontre avec Joan Ruvinsky « ….. Américaine d’origine et Canadienne d’adoption, celle-ci est bien connue des milieux francophone et anglophone de Montréal. Dans son centre, Pathless Yoga – La voie sans voie, elle donne son enseignement […]
a meditation on the senses and the elements

an introduction to body sensing yoga

Jean Klein – Inquiry Into Our Real Nature

Recorded live on a retreat July 17, 1989. The sound quality is not very good, although the teachings are invaluable. Please consider donating toward the cost of digitalizing this cassette and those that will follow. Thank you.