Making Sense of it All

Sometimes we’ve just got to wonder about how the world got into such a mess; or alternatively, how did I get into such a mess? Or even, upon great good fortune, how did I get so lucky? And there can be all this see-sawing back and forth between “Oh, no,” and “Oh, wow.” Mostly, I […]

Everything We Need is Provided

Joan loved to chant. In the last months and weeks, even the last days, of her embodied existence, we chanted every single day. Sometimes I was quick enough with the recorder to capture those precious, spontaneous moments of what she described as “joy expressing itself as sound.” Below you will find a 2-minute recording of […]

On Forgetting and Remembering

Curious by nature, I ask a lot of questions. During the years of my apprenticeship with Joan, she was infinitely patient with my indefatigable pursuit of truth, only on the rarest of occasions insisting that the “shop was closed” and even then with a wink and a smile which reassured me that it would reopen […]

Absorbed in Delight

One of Joan’s great gifts as a guide and mentor was her ability to demystify the teachings by grounding them in the practical, making them relevant to our everyday struggles and by challenging our assumptions of how “it” should be or how “it” should look. She presented a heart-centered approach to non-duality, an embracing of […]

Frosted Glass

A little note scribbled in one of Joan’s journals: All traditions are like looking through a frosted glass window—there’s the Buddhist design, the Yoga design, the Christian design—and what we see is the pattern superimposed on the glass. With luck, one sees between the frosted parts through the glass to the great Vastness beyond, but […]

When this body goes, does This go?

Below is a partial transcript of a conversation between Joan and I on the topic of her death, with her typical blend of matter-of-factness, insight, irreverence and compassion. Love,  Kathleen The body is here and This is here – both/and…  Both you are over there and there is one alive-space of us, and the room, […]

The Everyday Miracle

The Pathless Yoga newsletter is dedicated to sharing the wisdom of Joan Ruvinsky, now in the form of transcriptions and recordings of her practices and talks, offered during her retreats, classes and seminars, along with information about upcoming Pathless Yoga gatherings and retreats. The text below is part of a dialogue from her last retreat […]

The Gravitational Pull of Love

There are privileges in life that one would not choose, given the choice. The notion of choice, itself, reveals the misidentification with oneself as a “chooser” who gets to decide the outcome of life’s unfolding. Nevertheless, thus far, the greatest privilege of this lifetime was caring for Joan during her body’s long period of transition. […]

Approaching the Finish Line

And now there is the brilliance – the brilliance – as things begin to reveal their inner light. And now also the shadow, no longer lurking – how everything is present without praise or apology – And so the bottom line turns out to be the radical acceptance of the unacceptable and equally well the […]

The Last Time

You never know if this is going to be the last time, the last holiday season, the last menstrual period, the last trip to the mountains, the last whatever. It wouldn’t be such a big deal if, for instance, it were just the last time you were ever to put gas in the car, except, […]