The Recognition of Our Own Heart

Dans cette traduction interprétative accompagnée d’un commentaire du Pratyabhijñahrdayam, l’un des textes fondateurs du shivaïsme du Cachemire, Joan Ruvinsky transmet toute la richesse et l’incandescence caractéristiques de cette tradition sans perdre de vue les 400 dernières années d’investigation philosophique, de révélation spirituelle et de recherche. À la fois œuvre poétique, manuel guide et livre d’art, The Recognition of Our Own Heart nous invite à la découverte de l’inconnu – à vivre directement, d’instant en instant, au cœur du mystère.
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éloge pour 'The Recognition of Our Own Heart'
“With deep reverence for this 11th century text, four women sat with all the translations they could find, chanting the Sanskrit, studying, analyzing and finally sensing and feeling into each line, until there was consensus, a mutual “ah,” and shimmer of recognition in the heart. Ruvinsky’s final poetic ponderings, sourced from this deep exploration with her beloved colleagues, her own intuitive understanding, and burnished in the wisdom of pure consciousness, is her final gift to us. I am ever-grateful.”
Amy Weintraub
Founder, LifeForce Yoga Healing Institute and author,
Yoga for Depression and Yoga Skills for Therapists
“This translation and commentary on Pratyabhijñahrdayam, a seminal text of Kashmiri Shaivism,
is done with deep insight and grace.”
Phillip Charles Lucas, Ph.D.
Professor of Religious Studies, Stetson University
“Joan Ruvinsky’s very free rendering will perhaps make some scholars raise their eyebrows—which is not a bad thing. Her approach is fresh and relevant. It goes straight to the heart of our existence, and it is practical.”
Jean Bouchart d’Orval
Author, Reflets de la Splendeur-Le shivaïsme tantrique du Cachemire
“I highly recommend this book for beginners as well as adepts of yoga as a joyous celebration and theoretical confirmation of practical experience.”
Geetha Anand, Ph.D.
Author, Monistic Theism of the Tirumandiram and Kashmir Shaivism
“Linger with the poetry, ponderings and practices and delve into the intimate mystery
of our everyday extraordinary aliveness.”
Lorin Roche
Author, Radiance Sutras
“An instant classic that will be honored, for generations to come. Brilliant and empowering.”
Nischala Joy Devi
Author, The Healing Path of Yoga and The Secret Power of Yoga: A Woman’s Guide to the Heart and Spirit of the Yoga Sutras.